Join the Team

Research Associate

Appointment period
36 months

Research Assistant

Appointment period
12 months


The applicant will be required to:
participate in the design and development of hardware and software for data collection from smart garment; 
responsible for hardware testing and debugging;
assist in the design of smart garment with wearable technology;
assist in development of AI algorithms.


The following qualifications are required and preferred:
an honors degree and a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent qualifications) for the post of Research Assistant and Research Associate, respectively, in the field of Mechatronic Engineering;
good knowledge and experience in handling inertial measurement units (IMUs);
good knowledge and experience in various coding languages;
highly motivated, independent and energetic.


A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered. Applicants should state their current and expected salary in the application.

Applicants are invited to contact