United States

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Personal Training System, Personal Training Device and Control Device
This patent describes an AI-assisted personal training system with sensors in a jacket and pants to monitor posture and muscle activity. A control device analyzes fatigue and offers training recommendations. Real-time feedback enhances exercise efficiency and reduces injury risk. Read more
Tagged poly (ester amide urethane) s, nanoparticles formed from same, and uses thereof
Chu C.C. He M.Y. Ji Y.
This patent details polymers and nanoparticles designed for drug delivery, featuring poly(ester urea) and poly(urethane) segments. These polymers effectively deliver drugs like gambogic acid, offering promising applications in treating cancer and viral infections, enhancing therapeutic efficacy. Read more
Biofeedback system with body mapping clothing for patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Yip J. Kwok H.C. Cheung M.C. Yick K.L.
This patent details a biofeedback system for AIS, utilizing posture monitoring sensors and sEMG training for personalized feedback. It aids in balancing muscle activities and reducing spinal displacement, offering comprehensive posture training through integrated feedback mechanisms. Read more
Body-sensing tank top with biofeedback system for patients with scoliosis
Yip J. Yu X.C. Chan T.S. Cheung M.C. Yick K.L. Ng S.P. Tse C.Y. Kwok H.C.
This patent details a tank top garment for scoliosis patients, featuring integrated sensors and a smart control unit for non-intrusive monitoring. It uses machine learning algorithms to process signals and deliver personalized biofeedback, ensuring patient comfort and effective health management. Read more
Body-sensing tank top with biofeedback system for patients with scoliosis
Posture correction girdle and the method of correcting spinal deformity
Yip J. Yick K.L. Tse C.Y. Yuen C.W. Ng S.P. Liu P.Y. Law K.M.
This patent details a posture correction girdle featuring paddings, elastic straps, and elongated bones for spine support. An embedded micro-system monitors treatment progress and provides feedback on posture correction efficiency, enhancing user experience and effectiveness. Read more