
Elder’s Combination Formula is Body Yoga Underwear Even
Zhang J. Liu M.L. Yu Y.W. He Q.W.
This patent details a combination body yoga underwear for elders, featuring adjustable back knot and shoulder straps for a customizable fit. The breathable fabric ensures comfort, while the detachable connection between upper and lower parts enhances convenience, making it ideal for elderly athletic wear. Read more
Sports Bra Capable of Accommodating Sleeves
Zhang J. Zhang S.C. Liu M.L. Yu Y.W. Yi J.L. He Q.W. Yang H.X.
This patent describes a sports bra featuring detachable sleeves that can be conveniently stored in the bra's storage part. The sleeves provide protection from sun, wind, and mosquitoes, offering adaptability for various exercise environments while ensuring user convenience. Read more
Biofeedback system with body mapping clothing for patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Yip J. Kwok H.C. Cheung M.C. Yick K.L.
This patent details a biofeedback system for AIS, utilizing posture monitoring sensors and sEMG training for personalized feedback. It aids in balancing muscle activities and reducing spinal displacement, offering comprehensive posture training through integrated feedback mechanisms. Read more